Left Behind

The last few days I have seen several news stories that have really been heavy on my heart. First, the baby found in a garbage bag in New York that had been there for THREE DAYS!! And then the baby that was just hours old found covered in ants in Texas. To me, as a mother, it sounds like something that is just unfathomable. Did these women not know of any resources available to help them? Did they not know of any churches they could go to for help? No co-workers or friends they could talk to? 

Where have we (I, as a woman) gone wrong? It breaks my heart that these women had no lifeline they could turn to for help. 

I recently heard a song by Cam, a country artist, that I have thought about almost every day since I heard. The words of the song said “no one gets to Heaven if anyone else is left behind”. Wow. What if that were true? No one else will get to Heaven if any one else gets left behind. Do you think we would treat others differently?

I am making a pledge this week to start volunteering more. Specifically for a cause that ministers to women and children. I pray that I can step up as a woman and leave no one behind and I challenge you to do the same. 

I will be praying for those women and the sweet babies they left behind. 

Take a listen here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-lWzFHydzX8

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